Kiosk from $2.605M (Now $2.345M)
Restaurant from $2.346M (Now $2.111M)
Office 592sqft from $2.26xM (Now S2.15xM) (SAVE $11xK)
Office 646sqft from $2.46xM (Now S2.34xM) (SAVE $12xK)(Last Unit)
Office 926sqft from $3.34xM (Now S3.17xM) (SAVE $16xK)
Office 1098sqft from $3.86xM (Now S3.67xM) (SAVE $19xK)
PRICE F&B 474 - 667sqft from $2.64xM - $3.46xM
PRICE SHOP from $2.920M F&B from $2.080M [Updated 25.2.16]
PRICE Office from $2600psf - $2800psf (Extra Disc Only On Launch Day)
Retail (NOT FOR SALE) Medical Suites (NOT FOR SALE) [Updated on 6.3.16]
We love to help you
With so many different and exciting new condo launches in the Singapore property market, it will not be easy for you to decide which new launch condo is suitable for your purchase. Allow us to help you assess your finances, plan your priorities and determine your best options. Thereafter, we will go and view the list of developments that you have shortlisted.
Make an appointment with us today by filling in the form and we will contact you very soon.
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